What is the difference between PV, PV10, PV90?

What is the difference between PV, PV10, PV90?

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Understanding the difference between PV, PV10, PV90

Photovoltaic (PV) is used to determine the forecasted measurement of power generation. The 10/90 parameters represent forecast uncertainty.

What do the values PV, PV10 and PV90 mean?

These relate to the forecasted measurements of power generation.

PV is the default value provided within the data. Used to describe the median value for power generated. This is also known as PvEstimate

PV10 provides an indication of the lower end of possible outcomes. This is described as the 10th percentile scenario of clearness (i.e. conditions are cloudier than expected). This is also known as PvEstimate10.

PV90 provides an indication of the upper end of possible outcomes. The 90th percentile scenario of clearness (i.e. conditions are less cloudy than expected). This is also known as PvEstimate90.

If you have access to the Advanced PV Model (also known as Forecast Advanced PV Power) add-on, please use the parameter pv_power_advanced. You can also utilise pv_power_advanced10 and pv_power_advanced90 for the corresponding 10/90 percentile scenario’s. This will provide you the best estimated forecast values.

For the best estimate of forecast values, please use the parameter pv_power_advanced. You can also utilise pv_power_advanced10 and pv_power_advanced90 for the corresponding 10/90 percentile scenario’s. This parameter is only available for those on the Forecast Advanced PV Power plan.