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Using Solcast data in PVsyst

PVsyst tutorial for using Solcast’s meteorological historical and TMY data

Guide is current as of PVsyst version 7.4

PVsyst Tutorial for Importing Solcast TMY and Time Series Data

Using PVsyst can be tricky but importing Solcast's data into PVsyst doesn't need to be! Here we will teach you how to import Solcast's TMY, Time Series, and Monthly Average meteo data into the PVsyst software.

Using Solcast's "TMY" data in PVsyst

Using Solcast's TMY data in PVsyst is easier than ever. Solcast's TMY can now be accessed directly within the PVsyst software with no need to download and upload external files.

Step 1: Select Databases (Under Utilities)


Step 2: Geographical sites (Under Mateo database → Main meteo data)


Step 3: Select your geographical site. In this example, we will select Sydney / Bass Hill and then select Open


Step 4: Select Solcast TMY on the right hand side (under Meteo data Import).


Step 5: Select Import, you should see the following window.


Existing Users

Please enter the login email used within the Solcast Toolkit.

Your API key can be found here

New Users

For users without existing Solcast credentials creating a free API Toolkit account is simple. Enter your email address and click 'Ok', you will then be provided an API Key directly within the software.

If you see the following error:

403 Invalid Role

Connection Error: Http/1.1 403 Invalid Role Please verify that you are connected to internet and/or try again.

This likely indicates that your account has not yet been verified. Please verify your account and then try again.

403 Forbidden

Connection Error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Please verify that you are connected to internet and/or try again later.

This likely indicates that you are not using a commercial account when using PVsyst. TMY is only available on our commercial tier users. If you are a commercial tier user and this error is showing, please contact support@solcast.com.au

The user monthly request limit was reached.

If you see the following error:

The user monthly request limit was reached. Visit https://solcast.com/pvsyst for more details.

This would indicate that you have no request left on your account. Please reach out to sales@solcast.com.au for more request. Or if you believe this is in error, please reach out to support@solcast.com.au

Using Solcast's 'Time Series' data in PVsyst

Solcast's Time Series data can easily be downloaded from the Solcast API Toolkit in the PVsyst file format, and uploaded directly into the PVsyst software.

Obtaining the file via the Solcast Toolkit

Step 1: Select Historical and TMY

Within the top navigation bar.


Step 2: Select Create a New Time Series Request


Step 3: Add your location by Location Search or entering the Latitude and Longitude

In the example screenshot, we select the Sydney Opera House.

Once that is complete, click on “Add Location”


If you scroll down it will be listed within the “Chosen locations” section. If you have multiple locations to add, scroll back up and add the locations individually.

Step 4: Select your Time granularity and Format

If you see a specific Request Type in grey, that indicates that the product is not available on your access plan. If you would like access or believe this is an error, please contact support@solcast.com.au

Step 5: Select your Parameters

If you see a specific Parameter in grey, that indicates that the product is not available on your access plan. If you would like access or believe this is an error, please contact support@solcast.com.au

Step 6: Select your Date period

In the example below, we entered 1st of January 2020 to 31st December 2022


Step 7: Review your selections and when ready, select Download Data Now

Depending on how many request you have left, and the length of data you have selected you may need to revaluate the date range. Otherwise, if you are a commercial user and would like more requests, please contact sales@solcast.com.au, otherwise if you are a researcher and would like more requests, please contact support@solcast.com.au

Step 8: Downloading the file

Depending on the time period you have selected the system may take a while to generate the file. Please do not redirect from the page.

Should you need to view all the recent requested files, you can visit the following link and download it from there: https://toolkit.solcast.com.au/historical

Obtaining the file via the Solcast API

Information regarding the Historic Solcast API can be found here: Solcast API Docs

Please ensure the format is set to pvsyst within the API parameters.

Uploading the file to PVsyst

Step 1: Select 'Databases' within the PVsyst software


Step 3: Select 'Known Format'


Step 4: Select 'PVsyst standard format' from the drop-down menu. Then select 'Choose'


Step 5: Input appropriate location data for the site.


Step 6: Then select 'Import'


Using Solcast's 'Monthly Averages' data in PVsyst

If you cannot see Monthly Averages in the toolkit under historical and TMY it is likely you don’t have access, or your plan may have expired. Please reach out to support@solcast.com.au for further assistance.

Obtaining the file via the Solcast Toolkit

Step 1: Select Historical and TMY


Step 2: Select Create a New Monthly Averages Request


Step 3: Add your location by Location search or entering the Latitude and Longitude

In the example screenshot, we select the Sydney Opera House.


Step 4: Select your parameters


Step 5: Select Submit Request


You will see the following screen:

The file is automatically downloaded. If you are not prompted for a download page, please check your downloads folder for the file.

Uploading the file to PVsyst

Step 1: Select 'Databases' within the PVsyst software


Step 2: Select 'Geographical sites'


Step 4: Select 'New'


Step 5: Select the 'Geographical Coordinates' tab


Step 6: Enter Location information


Step 7: Select the 'Monthly Meteo' tab


Step 8: Open the downloaded csv file, copy the GHI column

Ensure that you don’t include the GhiMonth header, as this will cause issues when Pasting into PVsyst

Step 9: Select the 'Paste' button


Step 10: Repeat step 9 for all other values


Step 11: Select 'OK'


Step 12: Select ‘Save’
