Horizon Angles - FAQs

Horizon Angles - FAQs

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Geographic Horizon Angles

Information regarding the Solcast Horizon Angles API product. This API provides a circular profile of angles to the horizon for a specific latitude and longitude.

What is the Solcast Horizon Angles Product?

The Horizon Angle API returns a circular profile of angles to the horizon for a location at a given latitude, longitude point. The angles are calculated based on the surrounding terrain elevation from a 90m horizontal-resolution digital elevation model.

The angle returned is relative to due north, with negative angles eastwards and positive values westward . Varies from -180 to 180. A value of -90 means east, 0 means north, and 90 means west.

Do we need to provide altitude data for the Solcast Horizon Angles API?

No, Solcast retrieves altitude information from our data source and takes this into account. Hence you do not need to provide altitude information for the Solcast Horizon Angle API.

Does the Horizon Angles product take into account the height of buildings?

Yes it does account for the height of buildings however the Solcast horizon angles product is designed for far shading / horizon shading and very local effects like a neighbours house won't be included.